ConFuzzled 2025

HELLO! Want to submit an event for ConFuzzled to consider for 2025? You're in the right place.

Firstly - thank you!

Events are a key part of what makes ConFuzzled the convention it is! Your ideas and suggestions help give us the events we can offer to all our attendees. We appreciate you taking the time to share these ideas, and helping to make CFz so memorable for many fluffy folk! Now, let's get into it...

Your event idea will probably fall into one of three groups:

I've done this event previously at CFz / another con... It went great, and want to do it again!

Awesome. Then go through the form and tell us all about it! How was the room? How were the numbers? How is this year's show different to a previous one? Give as much info as you can be about the event, what the Events team can do to help and how best to accommodate the event with whatever new requirements you may have!

I've had an idea for an event I'd like to host.

Great! Let's hear it. Be as descriptive as possible in explaining how you see the event running, what you need to make it work, and what purpose the event forms, ie, educational, interactive, social, etc etc. We can then work with you on hosting an awesome event.

I think you should consider my event idea but I don't want to host it or take part.

Smashing! The more ideas the better. Lots of people submit ideas every year but don't want to host them for a number of reasons. If you think you've had an idea that fits in with the con theme, or something you feel has been missing from previous cons but would like to see it hosted by the Events team, let us know! Fire in your suggestion with as much insight as you can. If we think it's a good idea too and put it in we can get back in touch to help build upon it.

Whichever group your event goes into, remember this important note: There is no guarantee at this point that any submitted event will definitely make it on to the schedule. Every year we have more and more event submissions, but a limited amount of time and space! If you're unsuccessful, please consider applying again next year!